So I have thrown my hat into the Mountain Director ring and wish to concentrate on and become aware of the most important issues to falconers in this region.

The issues of most concern I have heard from others here in Idaho and elsewhere are:

1. Possible loss of the Sage Grouse as a legal quarry.Why keeping falconers from the birds and their habitat would be a managment mistake.

2. An actual green light to take a wild peregrine in Idaho (and Montana ?).
Even just one FGS. Whats the deal ?

3. Bringing people together at the local, state and national levels. For a group of advocates with the same passion, there has never been more division.

I realize that these concerns are biased towards my own immediate area, but I want to know the story everywhere.

State adoption of the Federal regs still seems to be in limbo, making for a period of mis-understanding and assumptions that could be problematic. I would like the NAFA to offer more information to the states clubs(for myself)so

I want to hear it all, whether I get elected or not.