Quote Originally Posted by jfseaman View Post
Hi Tony,

Sorry, I'm not buyin it. If it were true the result of the USA presidency 2 term limit would be a collapse of the government. Same for every local, regional (county) and state position.

For non-term limited government positions what we and the UK have is endless job protection. Power, whether real or perceived by the office holder corrupts.

Very similar to what goes on with the NAFA and HB boards, almost any organization for that matter. Remember, I've been to HB meetings, know Jim Chick, Nick Fox, Nick Haverman-Mart. I know what happened to Geoff Dalton.

What is important is the office not the office holder. The office holder has the mandate to do the best justice to the office she/he can. Same as we with our hawks, to do the best justice we can.

If we elect a president and vice president, then candidates for those positions can in their campaign, show how they benefited the organization with contributions of effort and management skills instead of getting the position by behind the scenes old school, old boy networking.

I agree with your 'usual' clause though. If a president/director/officer says "but I'm not done yet" on some project to improve the organization then fine, extend their term so they can get the job done.

As for new boy, charging in with a stiff broom to change the world to her/his view in one go, can't happen. The government of the organization has some semblance of a representative democracy.

If past office holders stop contributing because they are out of office then they are probably of a character that we don't what in office in the first place. To put that in terms of myself, wheter I am a director or not, I will continue to look for and do anything I can with in my scheduling and personal capabilities to assist in furthering falconry and the mission of NAFA, pre or post office holder time frame.
Hi Fred,

I was commenting on your words, "learn, contribute, move on", rather than suggesting any responsible person would act according to them.

Your response would concern me if I were a NAFA member deciding what to do with my vote, but as I'm not, what it reveals is of acedemic interest only.

Can I ask, do you currently serve on any NAFA committees, assisting in the furtherance of falconry or the mission of NAFA?
I suspect a history of such involvement would offer added credibility to your bid, and demonstrate an insiders grasp of current activity and the teamwork required to do the position justice.

