Hello, I've been around a long, long time, but I'm still kicking (flying too). Peregrines are my first love and have been since the first one I trapped when I was 16 years-old (I'm now 68). Grew up in the west Los Angeles area of southern California and have also lived in northern California (Santa Cruz area) Washington (state), Nevada, Idaho and Utah. In addition to flying peregrines on ducks, pheasant and misc., I breed them also. I specialize in "southern" anatum peregrines; nearly full capped, reddish breasts, black and silver-blue backed with bright yellow feet and very sweet dispositions. If your interested you're welcome to visit my web site: www.kanarraraptors.com to see some of what I'm doing and have done. This 2010 breeding season is all but over, and will be after I ship my last chamber raised eyas female after next week. Then I can get serious about flying one of my 2010 female imprints. Actually I plan on flying her and her mother (not in a cast - I don't think) this duck season. Big Red is my 2010 imprint's name and her mother is Vicegrip III (VG3). VG3 has been and is one of my best anatum peregrines. I got her in 2001 nearly hard penned and she has preformed reliably well every year since and is a natural breeder, too.