Kenn Filkins puts a lot of effort into publishing a quality product. He wouldn't intentionally mail it in a manner that would result in it arriving in less than pristine condition. I'm not home to see the condition mine has arrived, but it will be forwarded to me and I'll let you (and Kenn) know.

How many of you have tried the online HCs? They are really good - ALL the pcs are in FULL COLOR. the navigation through it is first rate, and you can download it, and past issues, for your permanent files. Oh, and if the mailman or post office mangles it, your dog eats it, or you spill coffee on it, you can print all or part of it any time you wish .

So, let's cut Kenn, and NAFA, a little slack. If your issue arrived damaged, politely tell him the circumstrances. Let's not forget this is the season we celebrate the birth of the only perfect man to ever live, and remember what the folks did to Him .