Good reply, Jeff. I guess my intent is always just to tell stories about things that happened and how,(and tell it like it is). My amazement about the passage Peregrine "season" in the US is how ridiculous the bag limit is and how limited it is. The political arena is, however, a hard reality and I agree NAFA has some issues, but they also have a lot of allies that need to help push this. Its time for the Peregrine to become a non-issue, there are a lot more important band wagons for the enviro and enforcement people to work on.

What amazes me also is how little the falconers in the UK work at wild take, or any of Europe for that matter. Captive breeding has been a wonderful thing for modern falconry and I fully support them for what they do and for what they get for their product. But a large percentage of modern falconers have never taken a wild falcon and flown it and wildness is a huge part of the cultural heritage of falconry. Perhaps the recent UNESCO decision will help.

Haven't gotten my HC yet, but read a few of the director's reports online. I understand what Bruce is getting at, but agree it probably would have been better not said.

Hope you are still getting those grouse flights in. This is quite a winter. Gotta go, cows want supper!