Hello my name is Matt Hoover from iowa Im a general class falconer i started falconry at 16 im now 20 i help out at a raptor rehab center i have my subrehabers permit so ive had the pleasure of flying 2 redtails both male passage birds that i caught, a rehabbed coopers hawk female, an imprint male kestrel someone took illegally out of a nest, an imprint female kestrel that i took then she flew into a fence chasing a sparrow and damaged her wing so she is now at the rehab center as an educational bird. I am now flying a male harris hawk who is just a tiny harris he flys at 530grms. Its hard flyng right now due to the weather being so cold. My plan is this coming year i want to go to kansas and trap a female ferrug and try to do soar hawking with it.

Matt Hoover