The North American Falconers Supply Catalogue Sixth Edition
in print now.

Price is $5 per copy which includes postage in America. Canada or Mexico $6 (due to much higher postage costs).

"The Directory for All of Life's Little Falconry Necessities."

I will ship direct to your friends, apprentices, sponsors, and others.

Remit to Donna Vorce, 601 E 6th St, Davenport, NE 68335, USA

As always, people who provide goods or services to our community receive a free listing in this book. If you aren't in the book get in the next edition.
Fine print - If you haven't seen this directory it is 100 pages of contact info for each and every artist I can locate in North America. This book features equipment makers, hoods, bells, quail producers, falcon/hawk producers, vets, clubs, organizations, and much more. Money back if not delighted. Edited by a falconer for the entire falconry community.