Quote Originally Posted by Tony James View Post
If I may offer an additional opinion Brandi, it's not just in regard to these kind of regulations that consideration should be given.
Jeff makes a good suggestion regards finances for your consideration, but the first thing to identify is need. What does NAFA need more money for?
If it needs more money to pay reasonable travel expences and suchlike, or to organise a big field meeting or social gathering, or even the establishment of a 'fighting fund', this money would normally be best raised through member's subscriptions (which he also suggests as being reasonable) rather than externally.
But unless the need is identified and agreed prior to significant fund raising, there is sadly nothing more certain to create division amongst falconers than wealth --- and as the arguments rage about potential use and misuse of any new found wealth, the goodwill and the good work becomes stiffled by negativity.

Best wishes,

As I read the above quote, my mind went immediately to the Boy Scout motto “BE PREPARED”. Money should be set aside for a “FIGHTING FUND” so when the time comes (and with all of the anti-groups out there it most likely will) the organization will have the financial resources available to insure the protection of our interests.

Grants are just one approach to acquiring additional funds. There are others also that are available including Memorial Donations, Endowments, etc.