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View Full Version : Lost Harris???

01-29-2011, 09:26 PM
Report of harris hawk sitting in a tree along the RT80, mile marker 8 in Ohio (just over from the IN border). I was on the road and couldn't get this posted earlier. Rec'd info about 1300-1330 hrs CST today. No other info available.

01-30-2011, 06:12 PM
I lost my adult female Harris on Sept. 1st 2010. That area is 1 1/2 hours from me.

Anyone in that area that can check it out? Anyone there flying a harris that it is their's?

Are we a 100% sure it is a Harris and not a dark morph rough-legged or other dark morph?

01-30-2011, 06:14 PM
Whew would seem the cold snap that we would have would have been a bit hard on a HH gone that long.

01-30-2011, 06:26 PM
I do agree with you on that.

But it is those amazing stories that you hear that still gives me some hope that she may still be out there alive and well.

01-30-2011, 06:52 PM
I've got a msg out to the young lady that called me on it, so she can chime in here. Evidently it was hunting along the road.

01-30-2011, 07:25 PM
Hey everyone!

I was the one who spotted the HH on Saturday afternoon.

The bird was definitely an HH and it was in adult plumage. The size of the bird also suggested female to me. I did not see any jesses....but the bird appeared to be wearing anklets.

When I spotted the bird I was driving on the highway and the bird was on the same side as me. It was sitting in a small tree along the side of the road....I pulled over as soon as I could....but the bird spooked across an open field (going north) as I approached swinging an empty lure I had in my car.

The closest town to where the bird was spotted is Holiday City, OH.

I hope this helps a little more.

01-31-2011, 11:15 AM
I've got a falconer friend who lives right in that area, I'll pass this along to him.

01-31-2011, 04:34 PM
I just got back from making the trip out there. I did about a 10-15 mile radius of the area multiple times and did not see a harris but the wind was really whipping and she could of been deep in the trees. Even tried the lure at many large tree clump areas.

I did e-mail the DNR of Indiana and Ohio and neither have had any reports of a missing HHs.

Joby, please do. I have contacted the OFA and asked them if they knew of a missing one up there but have not heard back. I hope your friend can spot it and trap it. I can't make it out there again till Thurs due to the winter storm warning we have from tonight till wed. evening.

Flatwater Falconer
02-10-2011, 02:04 PM
Hope is slim but I flew an 18 yo Harris for 5 years. He took off one windy sunset afternoon about 3 years ago from Grand Island, Nebraska heading south east. Bells and anklets and jesses at the time. Flew at about 22 ounces a little guy but a fantastic hawk. Came from the Coulsons originally. He's got his band on one leg of course.

Hope whoever lost him/her gets the bird back. To you falconers going out swinging a lure - THANK YOU!

Here's hoping . . .