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View Full Version : 2012 PFHT Meet / Lewisburg PA

01-03-2012, 06:26 PM
Join Us for the

2012 PFHT Field Meet

in Lewisburg PA

January 5th-7th, 2012

The 2012 PFHT field meet will be held in Central Pennsylvania, in the town of Lewisburg (home of Bucknell University), just 5 miles south of interstate 80.
This is a game rich area and perfect for falconry! Bring your family - there’s lots to do!

There will be socials and presentations each night. With a banquet and Raffle on Saturday night!

Scott McNeff, NAFA Northeastern Director will be the speaker at the banquet.

Wildlife Photographer Rob Palmer with be in attendance as well as NAFA President, Larry Dickerson.

This year will be extraordinary because the choice of lodging.

The Country Cupboard boasts a campus setting with 2 hotels, restaurants, shops, a bakery, a greenhouse, a flower shop and a gift shop.

There's a lot to do off campus too. Downtown Lewisburg has quaint shops, restaurants and the newly restored Campus Theatre.

If you are planning on attending both of these foms and following the instructions on the form:

REQUIRED Hotel Registration Form

PFHT Field Meet Registration Form (http://mikedupuyhawkfood.createsend2.com/t/r/l/idjryul/flrhuydjk/q/)

Contact Mike Dupuy with any questions:
301-633-8355, or email

Receive a PFHT

2012 Coffee Mug
and Meet Pin with
your Registration!

01-04-2012, 03:56 PM
(welc) One more day until the PFHT meet starts.....hope to see you-all there............clapp............jm


01-09-2012, 09:22 PM
I had a great time at this meet. I met a lot of awesome people and a enjoyed the hunts and presentations. I look forward to moving forward and finding a sponsor!

Just a couple shots I snapped at the meet:

And the hunt begins!

I thought this shot was neat. The falconer asked us to stay back while we transitioned across an 100yard field so the hawk could stage up. The bird came on the first whistle and it was an awesome sight!

My first experience of a catch. We flushed out a rabbit and she did a "wingover" (this terminology is killing me, haha) and had a perfect finish.

Getting ready for a hunt on the second day!

What a beautiful bird!

Neat picture I thought.

My current desktop wallpaper from the meet!

What made the meet a great first experience, all the great people!

I got a ton of pics, but wanted to share a handful! Thanks again to everyone there.

01-10-2012, 12:11 AM

Who's that funny looking tall guy with that tiny little bird in the middle of the picture.

Oh yea that's me and my Merlin.

01-11-2012, 10:47 PM
Who's that funny looking tall guy with that tiny little bird in the middle of the picture.

Oh yea that's me and my Merlin.

Funny I only post one picture of people and someone in the picture sees it right away! How'd the meet go for you, success hunting? I think I recall hearing both Merlin's called for game pins but I can't remember.

01-12-2012, 10:08 AM
Every aspect of the meet was great at every level.

Weather - sunny and in the 50's
Location - on Saturday afternoon a number of folks flew right behind the hotel and put up over 25 rabbits
Accomodations at the hotel both sleeping and meeting rooms were top notch

Incredibly large buffet that included everything from prime rib to over a dozen desert selections was more then anyone could ask for
Lot's of great raffel prizes. I won a elevator repeated sparrow trap
I experienced Scott McNeff's slide presentation at the New Jersey meet 2 seasons back, and enjoyed listening/watching once again his talk/presentation

Turn out - not sure what the official count was but someone mentioned over 100 people with over 80 attending the banquet
Presentations - In addition to Scott's, there was an outstanding presentation on Goshawks on Friday night, and although I wasn't there on Thursday night, I understand that Abby's (Chesapeakehawk here on NAFEX) presentation on her falconry experiences in the Middle East was excellent as well
I believe that there were 3 Merlins at the meet with one taking a starling. My little lady wasn't the one that made the kill.

01-12-2012, 01:59 PM
I greatly enjoyed the PFHT meet in PA. It was nice to get the chance to go out hawking in the U.S. again. Talking with Mike Dupuy and Larry Dickerson in the U.S. after just seeing them only a couple weeks before in Abu Dhabi was almost surreal!! Also got the chance to talk to a lot of great people I'd never met before as well.
Seems like there weren't many rabbits to be found, but that didn't prevent everyone from having a good time. The gosses didn't like the warm weather but performed well despite the heat.
I saw some excellent goshawks both days of the meet and brought along a friend who is in the process of becoming an apprentice.

Also thanks Joe I enjoyed talking at the meet even though I was nervous at first. Headed back to Qatar this evening!

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/384550_2921478083255_1449901340_32911068_167434599 1_n.jpg https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/399675_2921487043479_1449901340_32911095_181327088 _n.jpghttps://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/395522_2921489203533_1449901340_32911098_110901675 3_n.jpghttps://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/374309_2921476443214_1449901340_32911063_153883886 0_n.jpg
Photo of Richie (spelling?) and his gos on rabbit, Scott McNeff's gorgeous Tundra, and a N.A. and Finnish gos profiles taken at the meet.

01-12-2012, 02:54 PM
Nice shots Abby!
Here's a few more to add to the fray:
Chitty, Devers, Dupuy and I talked to a young Amish boy who has been trying to get into falconry. He came up a hill from his family's farm on the scooter contraption that you can see below, to use the phone in this little red shelter to call us, and wait for our arrival.
Some of the PFHT folks gathering in the evening:
Kuriga trying to steal my Vizsla:
A bunch of us pushing some brush to assist NAFA General Council Maynard and his redtail:
Maynard transfers his bird off a kill:

James Idi
01-12-2012, 05:22 PM
Nice pics, thanks for sharing.