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View Full Version : Hawk Chalks and Journals on DVD!!!!!

02-26-2013, 11:11 AM
Ok NAFA members, you asked for it and NAFA made it happen. Now available in the Members Only Store is a DVD with all the NAFA Hawk Chalks and Journals up through 2012. There is an index and a search option. The DVD is only $10. It will also be for sale at all the NAFA meets.


02-26-2013, 11:39 AM
What a bargain, an incredible base of information and history for $10!!!

02-26-2013, 11:46 AM
Wow, that's an excellent deal! I'm off to purchase a copy for myself.

Thanks to all who made it possible to bring this to us. Must have been a lot of work. You're appreciated.

02-26-2013, 11:52 AM
Wow, I can't believe its only $10, I was ready to pay a lot more. Love the digital age!!

02-26-2013, 11:58 AM
what a deal just ordered mine!:D beeer

02-26-2013, 01:17 PM
Not to nitpick but when you order with Paypal it says something like
"thank you for renewing your dues"


02-26-2013, 01:33 PM
Will the DVD be updated each year to add another year of material? For that price it would be worthwhile to buy another one every few years just to be able to get the searchable index!

02-26-2013, 02:39 PM
Not to nitpick but when you order with Paypal it says something like
"thank you for renewing your dues"


Oops, I just copied the Renew button and changed what I thought was needed. I think I have it fixed now so anyone that orders the DVD after this post, if it takes you to a Thanks for Renewing page, let me know.

Will the DVD be updated each year to add another year of material? For that price it would be worthwhile to buy another one every few years just to be able to get the searchable index!

Ron, I don't know but that is a good question. I do know that a DVD only has so much room so they can't just keep adding, eventually, there will have to be Volume 1 and Volume 2. LOL

Tony James
02-26-2013, 06:24 PM
What a fantastic resource! Congratulations to all involved in its production.


02-26-2013, 06:27 PM
Agreed!!! I just ordered the DVD AND renewed my NAFA membership too!

02-27-2013, 11:34 AM
Sssweet! Hope my membership gets processed quickly so I can order one.

02-28-2013, 10:39 AM
What a gift for only $10. Every apprentice should get a copy ...easy access to history.

Thanks Fred

Ken S.
02-28-2013, 11:26 AM
AWESOME! Thanks for the heads up... got one on order too.

The Archives of Falconry
02-28-2013, 01:56 PM
NAFA President Larry Dickerson gave credit in his recent member announcement: "A very special thank you to John and Vicki Swift, David Wells, and an entire team of terrific volunteers at the Archives of Falconry and to Kenn Filkins, NAFA Hawk Chalk Editor, the Board of Directors, Mark Williams and others. This project, that so many NAFA members asked for is complete."

02-28-2013, 04:40 PM
Thanks for the heads up and to all who made this happen. My order is on the way.

03-04-2013, 05:07 PM
I just got my DVD and copied it all to my hard drive for faster access! I can't wait to start reading all the old issues! Great job NAFA and a big thanks to all of those mentioned above and an even bigger thanks to The Archives of Falconry! clappclappclapp If not for The Archives, this project couldn't have been done! I wish I lived closer to The Archives as I have never been able to visit but it is at the top of my bucket list!

03-07-2013, 08:21 PM
Just ordered my copy the other day. Can't wait to get it and start digging. What a phenomenal deal.

03-08-2013, 07:44 AM
Just want to add my "Thank You" to the Archives post above, and take a moment to point something out to everyone reading this who is a member of NAFA. This project is the direct result of something happening because it was requested by a NAFA member. YOU guys and gals are NAFA. If you want to see something happen, approach a Director about it, or fill out an "Agenda Request Form" (on the website) and it will be discussed during the following board meeting. Anything is possible. Some projects take more time than others, and many times, if you suggest something that is a good/valuable idea or project, we will ask you to lend a hand with the committee work that it will take to get it done, but it's worth it for the greater good of the Association.

I don't mean to preach here, I'm just tossing out a reminder: if you've got an idea, come forward with it.

Scott McNeff
NAFA Northeastern Director

03-08-2013, 09:10 AM
Just want to add my "Thank You" to the Archives post above, and take a moment to point something out to everyone reading this who is a member of NAFA. This project is the direct result of something happening because it was requested by a NAFA member. YOU guys and gals are NAFA. If you want to see something happen, approach a Director about it, or fill out an "Agenda Request Form" (on the website) and it will be discussed during the following board meeting. Anything is possible. Some projects take more time than others, and many times, if you suggest something that is a good/valuable idea or project, we will ask you to lend a hand with the committee work that it will take to get it done, but it's worth it for the greater good of the Association.

I don't mean to preach here, I'm just tossing out a reminder: if you've got an idea, come forward with it.

Scott McNeff
NAFA Northeastern Director

A bit off topic, but how did your trip to the Keys turn out, or are you still there?

03-08-2013, 09:24 AM
I don't mean to preach here, I'm just tossing out a reminder: if you've got an idea, come forward with it.

Scott McNeff
NAFA Northeastern Director

My request is to have NAFA directors not let their wives post pictures of their Florida vacations on their Facebook pages so that OUR wives stop asking us to take them to Florida. Where do I get one of those forms? confusedd

03-08-2013, 09:31 AM
My request is to have NAFA directors not let their wives post pictures of their Florida vacations on their Facebook pages so that OUR wives stop asking us to take them to Florida. Where do I get one of those forms? confusedd

I bet we can get a petition for that...:D

03-08-2013, 09:45 AM
I bet we can get a petition for that...:D

Send me one, too.

On topic- I got my DVD the other day and it's GREAT.

03-08-2013, 10:55 AM
Ray, Ron, Jeff,

Still here on vacation... (5 weeks)
Sorry about those pictures guys. :D (she's a nut with that damned camera/phone)

If it makes you feel any better, I haven't hooked into any bones, permit, or tarpon yet. Just lots of other stuff. ('cudas, grunts, snapper, jacks, parrotfish, houndfish, and a couple of big sharks that I wasn't able to land)

Not fishing this morning, as the tide is wrong, so I'm taking some time out to write up my Director's Report for the April Hawk Chalk, and do some other "business." Gotta get back on task...

03-08-2013, 11:05 AM
It doesn't make me feel any better! I was hoping for some permit/tarpon/bone hero shots to allow me to live vicariously for the time being as we're headed to Cuba in May.

03-11-2013, 01:56 PM
Just ordered my DVD - sure sounds like a great deal to me! Thanks NAFA! :D

03-12-2013, 09:40 AM
Got mine over the weekend...what a great trip down memory lane. And all the great articles and stories I'd missed are now coming to life. Many thanks to those for their effort to get this done.

03-15-2013, 09:04 AM
To all of us who were not falconers in the 1980's I suggest you read the Hawk Chalks from 1984 to get a "realtime" view of what was going on during Operation Falcon. Read and learn.

03-16-2013, 09:19 AM
Thanks for the suggestion Paul. I just spent all morning reading through that stuff. Extremely interesting. (also interesting to see McElroy's Desert Hawking II being sold by Harry himself for $17/copy! I bet some of the ol' boys wish they'd bought several copies back then at that price!)