View Full Version : Hello from Twin Falls, ID

03-13-2013, 12:43 AM
Hello everyone,

Just thought I'd introduce myself, and say "Wow" am I glad I found this site. From what I have read so far, it seems there are a LOT of really great people that frequent the forums.

I have been interested in falconry since I can remember, I have always been extremely fond of all predators, though up to this point it has been the coyote that has been the focus of my efforts. That is how I met the gentleman that created in me the absolute desire to become a falconer. I met him in the Rock Springs, WY Gart Bros Sporting goods store where I worked, we were talking about hunting coyotes (I am pretty much always talking about hunting coyotes) and he told me that he had a dream of killing coyotes with a Golden Eagle, he further explained that he was a falconer and not only had a permit for a Golden Eagle but that he currently had one! It's so funny how fate works, at that very time I was reading "The Compleat Falconer" by Beebe at the local library (they wouldn't let it be checked out). He told me I could borrow his copy and went right home and got it for me. I was floored, this was a guy I had just met 15 minutes ago and he's lending me a priceless (in my mind) book. Incedently that's been my experience with every falconer I have ever met, you guys are the SALT of the earth. Anyway for the life of me I can't remember his name as I moved to Denver before I could start my apprenticeship with him.

That was in the spring of 1994. During the time that passed the "dream" never died, just got put on hold.... Until now! I am currently extremely close to having my apprentice license!! It will be a reality for me after all these years!!

Anyway sorry for the rambling (my wife says to please not use my real name :) ) But I thought I'd share some of the journey that got me here.

Thanks for reading,

Todd Shipp

03-13-2013, 11:04 AM
Hi Todd and welcome.

I'm in Burley. Have you contacted ID F&G office for falconry packet ? Gary Hompland is great to work with and very falconry friendly.

PM me if you want. Not flying anything this season, but have plans for next.
Again good luck and welcome.

03-13-2013, 11:28 AM
Thanks Dan,

Yes I have been talking with Gary, I am about to schedule an inspection of my mews etc. I am so close I can taste it!


03-13-2013, 12:36 PM
Thats great Todd,

Really unusual to be in your position this time of year. If all goes well you could be set for a bird next fall. That rarely happens... :)

03-13-2013, 01:29 PM
The guy that you are writing about in Rock Springs is more than likely Dan Mc Carron. His handle here on NAFEX ; wyodjm. He is on the forums as I write.

Welcome aboard.

03-13-2013, 02:21 PM
Thanks Jeff,

PeteJ sent me a PM stating the same thing so I sent Dan a PM. That would be great if it was him after all this time LOL, what a small world.


03-13-2013, 02:47 PM
And he might even be happy to hear from you....AFTER you return his book of course!lmao Just kidding ya.

03-13-2013, 03:29 PM
ROFL, I did return his book =)


03-13-2013, 07:02 PM
Hello everyone,

Just thought I'd introduce myself, and say "Wow" am I glad I found this site. From what I have read so far, it seems there are a LOT of really great people that frequent the forums.

I have been interested in falconry since I can remember, I have always been extremely fond of all predators, though up to this point it has been the coyote that has been the focus of my efforts. That is how I met the gentleman that created in me the absolute desire to become a falconer. I met him in the Rock Springs, WY Gart Bros Sporting goods store where I worked, we were talking about hunting coyotes (I am pretty much always talking about hunting coyotes) and he told me that he had a dream of killing coyotes with a Golden Eagle, he further explained that he was a falconer and not only had a permit for a Golden Eagle but that he currently had one! It's so funny how fate works, at that very time I was reading "The Compleat Falconer" by Beebe at the local library (they wouldn't let it be checked out). He told me I could borrow his copy and went right home and got it for me. I was floored, this was a guy I had just met 15 minutes ago and he's lending me a priceless (in my mind) book. Incedently that's been my experience with every falconer I have ever met, you guys are the SALT of the earth. Anyway for the life of me I can't remember his name as I moved to Denver before I could start my apprenticeship with him.

That was in the spring of 1994. During the time that passed the "dream" never died, just got put on hold.... Until now! I am currently extremely close to having my apprentice license!! It will be a reality for me after all these years!!

Anyway sorry for the rambling (my wife says to please not use my real name :) ) But I thought I'd share some of the journey that got me here.

Thanks for reading,

Todd Shipp
Welcome to NAFEX Todd. If you get over to Boise, be sure to stop by the Peregrine Fund and the Archives of Falconry. Bob

04-22-2013, 02:02 PM
Welcome to the falconry group therapy meeting (FAA) and welcome from the best part of the state (eatern Idaho). There is a lot of good info on here, but make sure to communicate with your sponsor. I am sure he or she will guide you in the right direction. Stephen

04-23-2013, 12:01 AM
Cool story and good luck.

04-23-2013, 12:34 AM
Thanks Carlos.

And Stephen.... you're number is on speed dial, you know that :)