View Full Version : Ratonero Bodegueros (Spanish Rat Terriers)

Ryan English
05-09-2014, 02:25 PM
My brother in Phoenix, Arizona has imported and bred some Spanish rat terriers which they call Ratonero Bodegueros. It may be the first time they have been bred in the U.S. They resemble and act like other rat terriers or perhaps Jack Russells, and are really sweet and playful but outside appear very gamey and chase or dig after anything that moves.

I have no idea how they would work as a falconry dog, but thought I would post it for anyone interested. There are 4 currently still available. Call 949-813-1095 if interested.

https://blu181.mail.live.com/att/GetAttachment.aspx?tnail=3&messageId=3d9542bf-c795-11e3-a943-00237de4a20a&Aux=4%7c0%7c8D129B94409C490%7c%7c0%7c0%7c0%7c0%7c% 7c&cid=5f2f0a7054ea4d29&maxwidth=220&maxheight=160&size=Att&blob=M3xJTUdfMTMxNS5KUEd8aW1hZ2UvanBlZw_3d_3d

Ryan English
05-09-2014, 07:30 PM

Having some difficulty with pictures, so here's a link to the wiki page. To me they look like jack Russell's but with more leg and leaner builds.