View Full Version : birdscaring

Belgium military falconer
09-08-2007, 01:37 AM

My name is peter van kets and i'm living in Belgium. My work and my hobby is falconry. Yes also my work because i'm working on the military airfields. I do birdscaring with falconry birds. We fly with harris hawks and falcons. At home i have also owls.

I'm looking now for falconers witch do the same work. And so we can learn from eachother.



09-08-2007, 04:47 AM
Nice to have you here, Peter.

09-08-2007, 09:57 AM
Welcome to the site. I think there is at least one or more.

09-08-2007, 10:53 AM
Welcome, I do not do the same, but I have tried to get access on the Air Force base to do just that... FOR FREE. They said they really don't want to do that because if they move the pegions out of the hangers they will move to base housing and he will get complaints. They have not had many problems on the air field with birds so no need there. I told him I just wanted to hunt cotton tails and jacks because I was told they are all over the air field. He said they are but pose no threat. They are worried my hawk would get in their flight path also.
Any ways.... welcome to the board.

09-08-2007, 02:40 PM
Hi Peter,

I spent two years birdscaring at an air base. I used falcons and pointers. I'm retired now and I just hunt for fun.