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View Full Version : Trapped A Banded Red-Tail

10-10-2007, 01:17 AM
I thought i would share this with you all.
While out looking to trap a passage red tail for a friend we seen a passage on a pole on a remote dirt road.
We dropped the trap and drove off, before we could turn around the male red tail was down and trapped, after i secured him i noticed he was banded, i took many pictures and the released him.
I did call the banding center and reported his band number and location we trapped him.
The rest of the morning went very well, we seen 10 passage red tails and trapped my friend a nice big female passage red tail.
What a very nice way to spend the morning.


chris kimble
10-10-2007, 02:34 AM
Thats pretty cool. Did the Banding Center give you any info on the band......is there an online data base or anything of that sort for banded raptors?

I'd be curious to find out the history of the bird myself. Nice find, and thanks for sharing.

10-10-2007, 01:19 PM
If you trap a banded bird you can report it online: http://www.pwrc.usgs.gov/bbl/default.htm

Once you complete the form, you will get a message back giving some information on where and when banded if the bander has turned in the data. however, if a bird is recently banded it may be several months before you get any information. The Banding Lab will send a nice certificate with information on species, where and when banded and by whom it was banded.

10-10-2007, 10:24 PM
The lady who i talked to couldnt tell me anything about the bird, she did get my information and told me someone would mail me the details on were and when this red tail was banded
i will post a reply as soon as i no this information

There was a phone number on the band so i just called the band in.

We trapped this red tail outside las vegas nevada