View Full Version : a Dutchman says HOWDIE !!

10-14-2007, 09:12 AM
Hi you'all !

Just letting you know I joined this forum. Pretty new in falconry...started two years ago with preparing by reading the 'must read' books, joined a dutch forum and the International Falconry Forum, and studied and collected all the information I could.
Since the beginning of this month I got my first bird, a Harris tiercel and named him Floyd. Manning proces is completed, and Floyd is flying free now, and we both enjoy it to the fullest. Unfortunately we are not allowed to hunt with the Harris in Holland....but flying is satisfying so far, and maybe I will pick up a Gosh or Peregrine in future. (the only two permitted birds for hunting in Holland...at least until now....)

Hope to learn and gather more information with the help of all of you...



10-14-2007, 10:47 AM
Welcome, Jan.
Any idea why you can only hunt with those 2 species?
Maybe Floyd won't learn the rules and he can take something.........
best of luck.

10-14-2007, 10:58 AM
Wecome Jan:
HH are very nice birds to fly. We have a few breeders on this fourm and some of there birds are being flown by people on this fourm. So you can all compare notes. Have fun. What do you plan on flying the HH ate?

10-14-2007, 12:54 PM
thanks guys,

Well the fact we are only allowed to hunt with Peregrine and Gosh is that the law that is giving us these rules is very old and not really up to date !
The problem is that our parlement now is not really in a 'favour' mood for hunting...they tried to change the law several times, but no luck yet.
The stoopid thing is in neighbouring countries like germany and belgium it is allowed to hunt with whatever bird you want..... I guess we just have to be patient a little longer..........


10-14-2007, 02:55 PM
Welcome, Jan. My wife has relatives in Eindhoven.

What kind of game do you have that could be hunted with a Gos or Peregrine?

10-14-2007, 09:31 PM
Welcome Jan!!!


10-15-2007, 04:19 AM
Well no wild turkey's anyway (thanks RTJim). Normally peregrine is used for smaller birds and pigeons, the Gos can be used primarely against hare and rabbit, but also duck, pheasant, grouse....


10-16-2007, 12:34 AM

How do you fly your bird to insure he doesn't catch something. Can you free fly him or does he always have to be on a creance or controled in some way?

Welcome to the forum *S*

11-09-2007, 06:54 AM
Welcome Jan,
What kind of gos and peregrine are available to you in Holland? Can you move them freely from other countries (Russia, Germany, etc.) without too much hassle?