Striker is the name that i gave him, he got his first rabbit with his falconer.Went hunt for 3 hours had one slip on the way back to the van and off the fist Striker went. Crashed in the high weeds and did his thing.YAHOOO Good to here from you. I forgot my camcorder at home so i did not get any pictures of it.STAY STRONG
Yesterday 08:11 PM Billy Blackwolf Today Shera nailed #2 IT was a hard hunt.Weeds are high 5 to 6 foot high and that makes it hard to bind to the rabbit through the weeds.1 1/2 Hours of hunting many slip and she got her dinner.STAY STRONG
Had great time hunting today.Today hunting started for Falconers in IL. I got a Harris Hawk at the end of last season on 3-26-2011. So i had a short hunting time with my new Harris Hawk Shera, season went out on 3-31-2011. I had to wait till the new season came in to hunt with her again.She did great and got her first rabbit for the season of 2011 to 2012.STAY STRONG
Sorry to here that, i know the pain you talk of. I had 2 back operations in 2000 and 2008 two of my lower disk are gone they broke up in my back. Because the way i was walking from the pain in my back i also ripped my knee cap and had to get a knee operation in 2008 too.Now i am a Falconer i have to watch my self too. When my back or knee hurts i save the hunt for a better day.If i lived close to you i would help you trap.I wish you the best with you back.STAY STRONG AND THEN SOME This is STRIKER
On 9-20-2011 i trapped a passage male Redtail Hawk. The trapping weight is 35.70 oz.. He has nice big feet,a fast leaner did not drop his weight yet and he is flying 30 feet outside on the creance with great responds with a weight of 36.80 oz.. I will take my time with him looking to hunt with him on 10-20 2011 if i can help it.I will be taking SHERA out on the first few weeks of the season. I have been working with her she is ready. Hope you are doing good.Did you trap anything yet.STAY STRONG
Billy sorry to hear about Ki-No, but things happen and we learn from them and try to move on. No I have not been out trapping I've been out fishing this weather was rough on all the wildlife but it seems that the fall bite has started. I'll go out trapping in the next couple of weeks, have not really seen any birds around but maybe some will move down with this double cold front this week? HUNT HARD
Sorry to say, but Kino has pass on. On 8-20-2011 i found Kino at 5:30 rapped up in his leash and dead.I had a hard time getting over that.I miss him and learned a lot from him.We where so close for the hunt. Shera the Harris Hawk is doing great i am reclaiming her for the hunt of 2011 & 2012. She knows the game and she is ready but we will have to wait for Oct.1.That is when season starts here.Hope you are doing good. Have you gone out trapping yet.STAY STRONG
pe all is going great with your HH and coop, send a message with some pic's love to see them and hear all is great. Bill
cool glad to hear all is going well and your enjoying your new hawk~Bill~keep in touch.
Kino and his Falconer are doing great he is taking baggies outdoors.As a fat Hawk he slow on the lure. Soon he will be hardpen and then i can drop some weight on him and get a better responds on the lure.Any way he is tame and things are looking good so far.Good to here from you.STAY STRONG