Tom good to hear from you also, yes you are diffenity right when it comes to how the job market is today. Even though I'm disabled and can no longer work I think all the time how I would hate to be out looking for a job or trying to advance in my career that I went to college for which was Social work you know when money gets tight thats the frist place they want to cut, take care keep in touch and all the best to you and your family Bill
Hi Bill. Good to hear from you. Thanks for checking in…hope all is going well with you. I am still undecided on whether to keep or release my red tail. Next September is looks like I am going back to school which may require me to put falconry on hold. Funny how in this economy how fiercely competitive the job market is and how higher education ultimately helps! How are things with you? I will let you know in a few weeks what I decide to do.
HEY Tom how are you and big bird did you release her or are you going to keep her over, haven't heard from you in a while and was just wondering what you were into. Drop me a line when you get time. Bill
Tom good to hear from you, I've been very busy, I have a Aunt and Uncle both in hospitals and hoping that they get better both are in there earily 90's and it seems that when someone gets that age the medical staff seem to act as they have lived a long full life and it's time to let go. My Uncle is in bad shape and lots of different things going on with him,but my Aunt came down with phnewmonia and the Doc. told her jusst to go home and take some meds.. And of course shes back in the hosp. two days later. And I have had a cold myself just my luck. But other than that all's well. Bill
Hi Bill. How are you feeling? I hope you are doing better and getting your fix on hawking. All is going well on my end. Imped a feather tonight for a friends falcon....good experience for me. Take care.
Tom ; Good to hear from you and glad Big Bird is doing well, I've been out several times and the ct's are getting educated they play with the birds. But they do make mistakes and end up on the dinner table every now and then. Great to here from you and keep in touch. Bill
Hi Bill. Sorry for the long delay getting back to you. My job had me so busy the last few weeks I have not had time to get on nafex. Red tail is doing well. The last two weekends I had her out. She had a nice game flight but the rabbits found cover. Still not sure if I will keep her or release her. How are you doing.....hope you are feeling better.
Tom hows BIG Bird got a freezer full of game yet? Keep in touch let me hear how that BIG BIRD is doing. Bill
Tom yes I'm feeling a little better but haven't been out hunting,just haven't felt that good, and just so hard just to get a slip or two. Plus I have had Dr. appts. so hard to find time also. Sorry to read that Jeff has lost his Gos. bummer!!! Hope everything is good on your end, glad to hear your bird is doing good. Are you reddy for snow, we are looking to get 4-6 ins. tomorrow,keep in touch ,good to hear from you, take care. Bill
Howdy Bill. Feeling any better. Hen rt is doing good....heading out again Saturday!