Conversation Between AirAssault and Thomas913

44 Visitor Messages

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  1. Tom went out the other day and my friends bird caught a tree rat and her feet are so big she killed it on impacked then sat and ate it so we had to but her to bed that nite but he went back the next morning and she came right down to him. I left for awhile and hit another field and got one slip but it happen right out of the truck and the bird didn't have time to settle yet so see didn't see it. But went today and it was so windy we got 4 slips but all went stright to the hole, but she got a good work out.
  2. Hi Bill. I am flying apassage hen red tail this year. She is a large one at 50 ounces. How did you make out hunting the other day? Hope you did well with your rt! Take care, Tom
  3. My outing this morning was unproductive Iguess all the bunnies in thier holes after the sleet and rain we had last night and this morning, think I'll stay on the couch and watch Football And hunting shows the rest of the day and get some heat in these old bones
  4. HEY Thomas what kind of bird do you fly? I fly a small FRT 4x intermewed and she is ready to hunt after being put up for the past 3 days do to all this rain. But going in the morning.

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