Conversation Between raptrlvr and coinflasher

2 Visitor Messages

  1. Hey Chad, You will enjoy the HH's. Not much difference in the training, except the HH is much easier. Take your time in manning the bird and once the bird is eating off the glove, feed it off the lure even when its fat and then finish the day by having it take food from the glove. As you get closer to flying the bird, do the lure work and then have it jump to the glove every time.
  2. Hi Jim,

    My name is Chad Harrelson, I am a falconer out of North Carolina. Up until this year, I have spent the last 15 years training passage Red Tailed hawks. I say up until this year because I just received my out of state trapping permit for Texas to get a passage HH. Do you have any tips for a first timer training a passage HH? How does the training differ from a passage RT? Any tips that you could share would be greatly appreciated.

    BTW, your pics looks GREAT! It looks like you've got a special bird on your hands this year. Keep'em coming!


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