Conversation Between joekoz and ptotten

4 Visitor Messages

  1. Hi Joe, Are you planning on posting our meet date on Nafex for the benefit of the out-of-state folks who might want to join us?
  2. Update: I just checked out your website...WAY too far away from EHT! Thx anyway!
  3. Hey Joe, I have a coworker friend of mine who has birds in the eve of his house that he needs removed. The house is two story, so it's real high up and he doesn't have a ladder high enough to get to it. The house is in Egg Harbor Twsp. Is that too far away for you, or do you think you can do it? Pls let me know. You can call either me or the school where I work: (609)425-8826 (me) (609)399-1290 (Ocean City High School) Thx. Peg Totten
  4. Peg:

    Do you have any logistics information that you can share regarding the clubs Winter Meet? In the last week, I've gottten messages from 2 different NAFEX Forum Members asking me if I have heard anything yet.

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4