Conversation Between dliepe and jmsprenkle@comcast.NET

3 Visitor Messages

  1. Thanks for getting back to me, but Fri will not work for me. Maybe at a later date I 'll get to see some hawking on the salt marshes.
  2. Hey Jack,
    I'm not much of a social hawker. If you are without a group we could get together.
    The tides are very early and it would be Friday only.
    7 am start. The only problem is it is the final day of gun season.
    I have the young Gyr to give my best slips too so it might not be as entertaining as
    You might think. Depending on kills the previous days will have a bearing on who I
    Fly. Might be all three , might be 1. A friend has a developing peregrine
    That he wants a slip for as well, so that may play into it.
    Anyway give it some thought. Just yourself no groups and 7 am start.
  3. Dave,
    Will you be at the NJ field meet next week? I'm a long winger from PA and would love to come see you fly ducks.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3