Forum: Forum Sponsors

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  1. Marshall Radio

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    Marshall Radio Telemetry designs and supplies premium long-range tracking and recovery equipment to hunters and competitors around the world. Marshall Radio

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  2. Western Sporting

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    Western Sporting's focus is providing quality falconry supplies to falconers: equipment such as Marshall and L.L. Electronics, books, DVD s, videos, artwork & collectibles for falconers, rehabilitators, zoos, dog trainers, & pigeon fanciers. Western Sporting

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  3. We carry over 800 items including Scales, Gauntlets, Bells, Vitamins, Hoods and Perches. Custom orders are our specialty.Mikes Falconry Supplies

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  4. Cities Approved Breeders of Gyrfalcons, Peale's Peregrines, GyrXPeregrine hybrids, and Russian Goshawks. Quality, not quantity, is what’s important to our breeding programAmerican Gyrs

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    Welcome American Gyrs by Mark... Go to last post

    by sakerjack

    04-02-2016, 05:17 PM

  5. American Falconry is a magazine that is devoted entirely to the sport of falconry and is produced by practicing falconers. Each full color issue contains some of the best photography in the industry. American Falconry is published quarterly and is jam-packed with fascinating articles covering the latest techniques in training, captive breeding and dog handling. American Falconry magazine

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  6. Our company specializes in the production and distribution of frozen mice, rats, rabbits, guinea pigs, chicks and quail. Rodent Pro

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  7. "If your goal is to 'fly the falcon' vs. 'kill a duck', then you begin down a trail allowing the falcon to learn about itself and its abilities. If your goal is to 'kill a duck', then you learn about yourself and your abilities to kill ducks with you falcon." "Not the same thing and not the same results."- Ed Pitcher

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    • Posts: 48
  8. Home of the original Khan Hoods Falconry Hoods International

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  9. The Goals of The Archives of Falconry are to collect, preserve and make accessible the physical evidence of falconers' achievements worldwide and to document their role in raptor conservation.

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    • Posts: 41

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