Saw that you have flown GE. I am planning on getting one and had some questions. Is there anyway you could call me sometime? (765)-729-5532. Thanks, Zach
sorry i had to do it by vistor message my pms dont seem to be working
Chase, Im sorry but i dont believe i can fly your ferrug not because i dont want to but because i dont believe i can provide for her as a jack bird. This is after much thinking and consideration i do not see it fair to fly her just for the sake of me wanting to fly one. Im not going to take on a bird i cant provide proper game for. Im sorry foy any inconvience or wasted time. Thank you for talking with me and the oppurtinity to fly your ferrug but i just cant bring myself to take on a bird i cant provide for. Thank You very much sorry again
Hey Chase just seein if u got my pm about the ferrug