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    Hi Juan,
    Island Girl is about 6 hours away from me on the edge of the boreal forest. Very difficult to access that area from the ground. My wife grew up about 1 hour southwest of there and I am familiar with the country. I can't get up there and have any hope of getting close unfortunately. When the tiercel, Seven, was on his migration north he roosted one night on a marsh less than an hour from where I live almost on the same location where the passage Peregrine I currently fly was trapped in 2003. Unfortunately, I didn't know he had been there until two days later, and he was long gone. I've been watching the Southern Cross Peregrine project since it started. Fascinating information. Would be interesting to see what the "calidus" Peregrines wintering in South Africa do on their migration to the nesting grounds.
  3. other puzzling questions: when you look at the map from a very large scale why is it that peregrine don't breed in iceland? gyrs presence can't be the answer as alleoutian as well as baffin island do have both falcons breeding close together. and obviously distances is not even to take into account.
    maybe timing could be the answer,get to iceland could maybe take too long to breed there and be ready to migrate on time....
  4. almost home , she has been flying 421 miles; her longest distance ,in the day
    as reported in the blog there is still an answer that hasn't been very clear last year and that is; did she bred last year , as she kept flying around baffin island for a few days ,a bit like a floater could do ,or did she finally found her breeding ground and in that case she will fly directly to it?
    another very puzzling point ; how do they find the place?, she didn"t follow the same way as last year so memory is not to be taken into account, what mecanism is at work there?
    for those of you lucky enough to get a passage falcon think that she could be borne in some place like this
    that could only be a very very special falcon.
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    That's ok, I think we have beaten my subject to death, so just let it go where it goes. Thanks for asking!
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