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    Sorry to hear about Jeff Turner, we go back a way. I showed him his first NM Gos nest back in 74 or 75. Jeff, Chris (owner of Stanley the African Crowned Eagle) and I walked up the drainage just out of Mayhill, the whole time they were expecting a coop nest till we reached a typical gos nest with the females tail showing. Jeff pulled a bird later that season. I have a photo of Jeff with that bird in imm plumage somewhere.
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    Hi there you. I'm sorry I use an alias on facebook. I have to. I'm more sorry I didn't keep in touch. Please forgive me?
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    xác suất cực nhỏ, có một tia thần tức bay ra.

    Hứa Hạo không biết những tác dụng cụ thể của thần thức. Nhưng hắn nhớ
    dịch vụ kế toán thuế trọn gói trung tâm kế toán tại tphcm học kế toán tại cầu giấy chung cư newskyline văn quán

    rõ, trong khoảng khắc khi bước vÃ*o chiến trường ngoại vực, thượng cấp tu

    chân quốc có đưa ra một cái bảng, mặt trên có mười vị xếp hạng, không

    ngờ trong số đó thần thức lÃ* cao nhất. Tất cả những gì trên cái bảng

    kia, khi nhặt được phải nộp lên trên, hơn nữa sẽ chắc chắn sẽ được ban
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    Hi Jim,

    My name is Chad Harrelson, I am a falconer out of North Carolina. Up until this year, I have spent the last 15 years training passage Red Tailed hawks. I say up until this year because I just received my out of state trapping permit for Texas to get a passage HH. Do you have any tips for a first timer training a passage HH? How does the training differ from a passage RT? Any tips that you could share would be greatly appreciated.

    BTW, your pics looks GREAT! It looks like you've got a special bird on your hands this year. Keep'em coming!


  5. View Conversation
    hi Jim,
    no, can do "just about anything."...sorta like 23 1/2 hour towing, there is always an exception. going toolings of california quail, pointer, and white gyr coming in on a chicken right now. Starting a couple saluki pieces in the next few days along w/a merlin chase scene. have done cougars, wolves, water fowl, dairy cows, Dave Mann motorcycle girls , long list.... space is limited tho, unless you like an extra large liter flask.....What do you have in mind?
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    Hey James, its me Jacob, thanks for all your help!
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    Happy Birthday Jim!
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    Hi Jim,

    How is everything? I hope you are doing well. I will give you a call tomorrow. Talk to you then

  9. View Conversation
    happy birthday jim! long time no talk!!!! send me your number again (my blackberry crashed). Take care bro!
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    Stir things up how Michael? By commenting on the joke that happened here last year? Make a difference Micheal, but please don't even hint of trying to slam me in public.

    Dan McCarron
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January 20, 1948 (77)
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New Mexico


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07-31-2016 12:11 AM
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01-13-2021 06:19 PM
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