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  1. View Conversation
    hello I'v started reading the La regs and will get my packit. I also found a La falconry site. I'll play the land to hunt on card to get falconers to hunt here so I can meet,watch and lern from. I leaned from your(really good)web site not all are the right hunters to lean from. I'll see what to do and not to do that way. When I find a good one I'll show him my mews and gear. All of witch I need to make. Thanks for all the help with the hawk I found and tryed to save. The LSU vet school really tryed and they can see what killed Red bean. Could I stay on your sit even thowe I have no hawk? If no I under stand. I see that falconers are quautious, miss under stood and private people. I see why, I even have harsh words with my dad to stop him from shooting the hawks. The people that hunt around me are told that I will drop a dime on em IF THEY KILL A HAWK and I see it happen. I need your input to make sure that I do it right or have problems. Thanks Beau
  2. View Conversation
    Hi Chris,

    Could you give me some advice on feeding rats. I hear that some take out all the guts out of the rat, becos of desease risk, but i also read that many feed the rat as a whole. How do you feed rats to your bird(s) ?

    kind regards
  3. View Conversation
    Chris......... My name is Bob Welle, I am the president of the Oregon Falconers Assoc. and would like to talk to you about your website and one of it's users, Richard Hoyer.
    Can you drop me a note at my personal email.


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About `Chris L.

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About `Chris L.
Columbia, Sc


~Chris L.

"Do just once, what others say you can't do and you will never pay attention to their limitations again... "


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03-22-2017 02:52 AM
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12-07-2007 12:59 PM
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