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    Hi ,hope you are doing great. Things are Ok here, the van is being fix and i will not get it back till Mon.2-21-2011.I might be getting a Harris Hawk if things work out, i will let one of the male redtail hawks go and keep the other and have a Harris for the warm hunting days.Great to here from you.STAY STRONG
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    Hi Bill. Sorry for the long delay getting back to you. My job had me so busy the last few weeks I have not had time to get on nafex. Red tail is doing well. The last two weekends I had her out. She had a nice game flight but the rabbits found cover. Still not sure if I will keep her or release her. How are you doing.....hope you are feeling better.
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    Went hunting today and had a good hard hunt.Lots snow from the big 2011 blizzard and the rabbits see us coming from far away.Weeds are down and you can see the rabbits 25 to 50 yards away running.So can Gunner and he nail tonight's dinner.Gave him a full crop for his work.Sorry i did not get to you earlier, hope things are going good for you and your redtail hawk so far for this season.GOOD to here from you.STAY STRONG
  4. Bill

    no news , not good

  5. View Conversation
    Had the flu down for two weeks .Went hunting on 1-28-2011 it was a good redtail hunt had four slips#4 was dinner. How was your hunting meet? STAY STRONG
  6. View Conversation
    I know how you feel i had two back operations too and a knee operation. My first back operation was 2000 my knee and #2 back operation was 2008. I am just fired up on falcony and that keeps me going.After my operation and i was able to walk again i became a falconer so i am a general and i am having a blast.STAY STRONG
  7. View Conversation
    no the missus dont feed me bill
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    Hi this is billy blackwolf yes i hunt in this cold ,freezing and windy weather. I have two male redtails and they are doing great.I take one kill on a hunt with each hawk.Gunner the first redtail i trapped in Sep.2010 haves nailed 23 rabbits so far.Sarge #2 redtail i trapped in Nov. 2010 haves 6 rabbits he haves nailed, he is small and haves a hard time holding on to the rabbits they take him for a ride and drag him all over the place. Sorry it took so long to get back with you. Good to here from you.STAY STRONG
  9. View Conversation
    Howdy Bill. Feeling any better. Hen rt is doing good....heading out again Saturday!
  10. View Conversation
    thanks bill that would be nice mate,i'd love to visit the states one day if i ever manage to fund a trip over your way i'll giv u a shout so your missus can get the pheasants cookin.
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September 13, 1958 (66)
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Kentucky, louisville
Falconry, Fishing


Rendezvous With Destiny


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09-13-2013 11:23 AM
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