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  1. View Conversation
    u kno bill i've never tried pheasant but sounds like your missus makes a mean dish out of it,if i ever come to the states im coming to your house for some i've only just got up and already i'm hungry bacause of talk of these pheasants your wife makes
  2. View Conversation
    Hi Bill: Good to hear from you. I am having a pretty fair year. Never enough time to hunt as as much as I want. lol The weather is not wanting to cooperate as much as I would like for it to. My grandson is coming down from Mount Washington this weekend so hopefully I got a bushbeater lined up and I get to go for awhile. I went to Dodge City this year for the meet and only got to hunt for a day. The fellow I went out there with brother in law passed away and we had to turn around and come right back. Gosh 1'000 each way for one days hunt. That really hurt. I had not been to a meet since Yankton South
    Dakota in 1970. So I felt like I was do one. oh well. Maybe next year. Keep in touch Gary
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    how do bill mate, sounds like a roller coaster ride with the ct ha ha as u kno we dont get cotton tails over here,would like to hunt our big daft european hares with luci but i've only encountered one on my travels so i've been stickin to pheasants etc for now i've updated my thread 'luci the FRT' with a few pics if you want to ave a look bill...atb from south kirkby in yorkshire mate.
  4. View Conversation
    Thanks! That's a very good idea, it's about time I update my hunting/outdoors gear.
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    Hi Bill. Hope all is going well....sorry to hear you were down with an injury. My rt is doing well. We have been getting hammered with snow and cold weather so last weekend was a bust for me. I hope to have some success hunting this weekend with her. She is a doll of a rt. Totally tame but all busines in the field. Iwill keep you posted. Hope you feel better!
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    Hey Bill!

    Sorry I didn't respond earlier, I don't get a notification when I get a visitor message. I will send jhines a PM.

    Last weekend I went out on New Year's Eve. I flushed several bunnies but my bird was either out of position or didn't see them. Then I had him on the T-Perch and he flew off. I thought he was just going to a nearby tree for a higher perch but then I saw the bunny. He slammed into the ground but I didn't hear anything. I ran over but he was just sitting there on the ground. I got to the front of him and there was his first bunny! He had a head grip with one foot and the other was on the bunnies rib cage. No squeeling and no kicking....just done! I was so stoked! I'm going out tommorow morning and hoping for a 2nd one.

    See ya!
  7. View Conversation
    No problem, the rabbits will be there. Hope you get feeling better. I'll keep working on places to go. Take Care!
  8. View Conversation
    hey bill how u doin hope xmas n' the new year went well 4 u mate
  9. View Conversation
    Happy New Year! Hope you are ready to kill some bunnies.
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    Hi, hope you are having a great New Year.I went hunting on New Year eve with a passage redtail hawk name Gunner that i trapped on 9/17/2010 .He nailed a New Year eve rabbit dinner gave him a full crop. Today i went hunting with my other passage redtail hawk his name is Sarge.I trapped him on 11/17/2010, we had some set backs. We had a few hunts and did not see any rabbits, but today he nailed two and let them go as i came in on them. Now he knows the game soon he will hang on to his dinner and not let it go.This is the first time he is going after rabbits.Hope you are having a great season too. STAY STRONG
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September 13, 1958 (66)
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Rendezvous With Destiny


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