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  1. Keith I stitch the entire hood, then block it, that way you can get the folds at the back of the hood and roll out the seams, trust me it is not hard.
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    Hi Ken:
    Do you mold the slip on hood before you stitch up the back or do you stitch the back and then mold it out? I have one made but it is real hard to try and get on the block that it should fit. The pattern you put out is fitting on the 20 chinook block but with the back stitched I am afraid it might tear out when I try and mold it out.
  3. View Conversation
    Hi Ken:
    I have a guy asking me about making a dutch hood to look like the packard helmet. Is there anyway to dye the yellows and whites to where you can get that effect?
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    Hi Kenn,
    sorry for the previous message and PM.....I left my laptop unattended, and one of my co workers had a little fun at my expense ......not sure if you know him....a crazy guy outta CO...S. Duffy?????? anyway....sorry if that caught you off guard
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    Hay Stud Muffin do you do any body painting??
  6. View Conversation
    Thank you for your reply I will give you a message after the assessment of understanding. Wish you health
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    yes! too much choice so I is assessing the quality of company size for which I hope to find largest number of blocks you can introduce your product to me know? because I am very confused I do not know how to thank you for your response choices
  8. View Conversation
    hi I want to buy hood blocks can you tell me the information in this area
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    Ken, Got the blocks today. They are beautiful. I have a couple questions. 1. Do the sizes increase in a certain pattern? Say a 2% difference between sizes for example.2. Is there a general size reference list? Something that would get me in the ball park size wise. Thanks, John
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About sakerjack

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About sakerjack
enjoy hunting hares with my two salukis,, falcon and a redtail X harris hawk
Winnipeg, Canada
falconry,painting and other leathercrafts
salesman, hoodmaker


Ken Hooke
Falconry Hoods International
"Specializing" in unique, One Piece Hoods


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07-14-2020 01:15 PM
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