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  1. Hi Phil,
    Tell me about yourself and what brought you to falconry. Why do you want to do this?
    How old are you, I will be glad to talk to you about falconry. I will be out all day today, but may can call you later in the evening or tomorrow.

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    hi my name is phil, and am interested in learning that art of falconry, i was wondering if you may have some time to spare to talk to me about it. my number is 907-717-1442. thanks!
  3. Richard, Bev has had shingles in her left eye and on her face for the past two weeks, go get your shot if you haven't cause it ain't fun.

    We leave to go out to Texas and Ga on Feb 19 come back March 24 and Lord willing I am going all out to go for that Goshawk. Pigeons loose at the house, lure pole go all over Alaska that I can drive and might fly to Bethel.

    Things are heating up on here, hahahaha, I have already recieved a mean post hahaha, Love yer enemies !!!!!!! WOW AMAZING !!!! I need Prayer ! hahah

    Hoping you all the best

  4. Dale , I want to apologize to you. I was in the eye clinic here and felt like I really went off on you. We disagree, I am for a passage take and will do what I can to see it come here. Forgive my rambling, just rambling man hahaha. IF you need to spill your guts on my help yer self , I can be your sounding board. IF you have the need to cuss lay it on, what ever makes you happy and feel better. Smiles ! IF you are drunk get back to me when you are sober. Gary
  5. View Conversation
    I see you made it home okay. Done any trapping yet? Hoping to hear about you getting a nice late passage gos!
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02-09-2016 03:49 AM
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03-08-2022 10:43 PM
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