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    Hey Pete,
    This is Axel Schardt. I am not sure if we had talked previously, but I thought you might be able to give me some input on the Cloudcroft area in NM. If you don't mind, give me a call at 817 304-6566.
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    một lúc lâu, nghĩ đến một cái kế hoạch điên cuồng. Một ngÃ*y, thần thức

    của hắn toÃ*n bộ tản ra, rất nhanh đã bao trùm toÃ*n bộ lãnh thổ của hắn, thần thức khuếch tán cÃ*ng rộng, thì những chấn động lại ngÃ*y cÃ*ng kịch

    liệt.trung tâm kế toán tại bình dương học kế toán tại đồng nai chung cư 360 giải phóng Trung tâm kế toán tại từ liêm trung tâm kế toán tại quận 3

    Vương Lâm quan sát tỉ mỉ mỗi một phạm vi mÃ* thần thức lan đến. Đột nhiên

    ở một vị trÃ* xuất hiện một cái vết nứt không gian rất nhỏ. Vương Lâm

    không chút do dự, thần thức lập tức đi vÃ*o dò xét. Trong nháy mắt khi
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    Hey Pete, Thanks again for your insight a few weeks ago on My Coops Tail issue. As it turns out my vet sent three recently broken brand new feathers down to the Veterinary College at WSU in Pullman Wa. A prognosis of a severe dermatitis that has been complicated by a bacterial component seems to be the culprit. I am now on day 4 of a 14 day run of .25 ml Baytrill twice a day. My Vet is confident that this should do it. On his examination he saw new feathers beginning to present at the follicles. so things seem to be looking up. Again Pete thank you. I certainly hope things are going well with you and yours as Summer is quickly approaching. Randy up here in North Idaho
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    Pete, Do you know folks breeding barbaries? I'm looking to raise an imprint tiercel this spring.
  5. He was a trip last year. Almost ready to pick him up again...two tail feathers have about an inch to go. He was an amazing spelunker!
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    Just got through about 3/4 of the link. Great read and an excellent job. Can't wait to finish. tim
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    I'm really into the HH thing and doing rehab work. I have been successful breeding HH's mainly for friends as I only have one breeding pair with no plans right now of expanding. Had a ball with a Pygmy Owl. Nobody writes about them here but they someday will put a new twist on micro hawking. Best, tim
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    It's been quite a while, just checking in and I hope your season is off to a fast start. tim
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    Hey Pete! I've been off the grid for a while. I moved to Tucson for the next 4-6 years, at least I was able to stay in the SW! I found a Coops nest today, thinking of joining you this spring, lots of quail and bunnies here. Not sure which I want to fly, passage or imprint. Glad to see you are having some fun! Not sure how long of a season I'll have, I'm back on a team again and deployment is always on the horizon. But I try to fit some flying in where I can. Flew a Harris I trapped in Tucson for a season and tried another Prairie last year, but it was way to warm in Yuma and I ended up letting her go. It was 100 at the end of Oct. Ridiculous. Stupid choice on my part and ended up sitting out last season. Should have went with another Harris. Quite a bit colder here (don't laugh) so I'm excited. Well, will be checking this forum more, now that I'm settle and have a desk again. Look forward to hearing about your adventures, have fun and hope to hear from you soon.
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    hi, can you explain your methods of using the phia trap for trapping merlins? I personally have never used one but i want to try. Do you think they would work for short wing trapping also?
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About PeteJ

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About PeteJ
Formely a raptor biologist/consultant. Falconer since 1972, added breeding to my activities in '91.
New Mexico
Falconry, photography, fishing (when ever I get to again), birding (passively), dogs
currently a struggling raptor breeder.


Pete J
It's all just too Zen for me.


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