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    Hi David. I am pretty much retired, haven't been to any club stuff in pretty much over 20 years. Busy providing and raising a family. What area of the state do you live in? You are going to hunt your birds this year? Later, Rick
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    Hey, Good luck ! I could work my way through a pile of oysters any day. Enjoy !
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    Thanks for the cooking tips! I know I overcooked my squirrel the one time I tried it. My Great Aunt Hazel swears that they are delicious, but she is not much of a cook save for being able to cook up the most delicious venison I've ever tasted. She's almost 90 now and I miss her venison steaks SO much!
    As for hunting squirrels with my hawk, well I would much rather hunt bunnies. But we rarely come across rabbits. The two times we have my Caprica has nailed them! Squirrels are a little scary because they bite back so badly. But I have found that if I don't crank Cappy's weight down that she will be careful about her catches and will always go for a head hold. She also knows that I will make the squirrel stop biting LOL, so she waits for me once she has one down good.
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About accipiter007

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About accipiter007
falconer 37 years
hunting and fishing with my wife & kids
full time profesional falconer.


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08-23-2012 11:44 AM
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