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  1. Would like to. I have been thinking on a male Harris also.
  2. View Conversation
    Hey Hodge, do you have any plans for a merlin this year? I'm not sure what i'm going to do, probably a redtail but, all my fields are getting torn up with some urban sprawling. What is a falconer to do? Rob
  3. View Conversation
    Cool, i'm ready to work with one and see how it goes, if you need anything let me know!!
  4. If I have anything I will give you a call.
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    a female coops is what i'm looking for, Cody has been to a few peoples houses that have some pigeon lofts but has not had luck yet, and was talking about going to "Smith pointe" to try and trap them, i haven't talked to him yet about it. and i have not seen any yet. so yes if you can get one i'll take it. i hope you have some luck with the merlins too!! Rob
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    no i don't have a sparrow trap yet but, if you have an extra one i'll try and trap some around the house here. otherwise the hawk is doing fine and i still have places to fly but my field at park row and mason is completely gone to contruction, i still have a few other places, sadly they soon will be gone too, call me if you have an extra trap and i'll get a few sparrows here.
  7. I'm here at the office working hard!!
    Wish I were out on the prairie flying a long wing, but we do what we have to do.
  8. View Conversation
    if i have ever heard it before...that's the pot calling the kettle black!! LOL
  9. Go small. Merlin, Cooper.
    I have been trapping for the last three weeks. Have had a Merlin come to the trap twice but no luck.
    I am going to the meet in January. May take my trap with me and see what happens.
  10. View Conversation
    my hunting spots are getting knocked down cold weather or not, i'm going to have to adapt to another type of hawk here before to long. my hawking with a redtail is going to be over soon in this area, for some reason they like to build,build, build even in a bad economy.
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Katy Texas


Jim Hodge


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