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  1. View Conversation
    Paul that is correct. The only thing I strongly advise against is the time enclosed with pine needles. This is absolutely worthless as any type of treatment and might even possibly do more harm than good. I would let her have plenty of fresh air. Time spent confined in a GH is not helpful at all unless she is nebulized in it
  2. Thanks so much Dr. Sullivan.
    So I'm clear, I would nebulize with the lamisil recipe 2x daily and then give the voricona zole 1X daily (dose ? weight is 1150-1200 grams) and a 250mg dose of Lamisil also 1x day
  3. View Conversation
    You would nebulize twice daily for 2-4 weeks depending on severity of infection. You would also give Voriconazole orally. In fact, it would be best to give Voriconazole once daily and Lamisil (Terbinafine) once daily. The two antifungals seem to work synergistically.
  4. One quick question if I could...Nebulize with your recipe in lew of Voricon or in conjunction with?
  5. Thanks so much for your time. It is so appreciated. Hopefully these are things the vet can get/ Has.
  6. View Conversation
    Paul I am seeing appointments all day so unfortunately my time is pretty limited today. I think Voriconazole is good as long as it doesn't make your bird regurgitate her food. I cannot recommend Amphotericin however. I find that the disadvantages far outweigh any advantages from it. I nebulize birds for asper with the following recipe: 250 mls distilled water, 250 mg Lamisil (Terbinafine)---crush tablet and stir to dissolve, and 1/2 ml of 10% acetylcysteine--also known as Mucomyst. It works well. Good luck with her. Tim Sullivan DVM
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Began Falconry in 1966 in Central Calif
Carmel Valley, California
Restoration, Bibliophile, Antiquaire, Hunting and Fishing, Good Food
Celluloid story teller/ Antiquaire


"True knowledge exists in knowing that you know nothing." -Socrates


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