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    I have no way to tell. You can click on the link above and look at all your posts.
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    You are in violation of forum rule #4. Please review the forum rules below.
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    General Rules

    North American Falconers Exchange-Falconry Forum

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    Please read these rules and understand them. If they are not followed you will be asked to agree to them again. After your second offense your account will be disabled for 7 days. If you vilolate them again, you will be permanetly banned and asked to never come back.

    Pay Close attention to Rule number 1!

    1. All Posts must be signed with the user's real name, not your screen name. You must use your legal name. If you do not want to do this, then please do not post. If you have to hide your name, then you do not need to be here. First names are ok to use but we encourage first and last names. It's easiest to put your name in your signature line located in your user CP. This will ensure your name is with every post you make.
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    2. All posts must be written in English. 3. Don't spam/abuse any other member via e-mail or Private Messages. All Spam is grounds for Permanent Banning 4. Do not talk about politics or religion. Any posts of this nature will be immediately deleted. 5. Do not flame or pick on other members. If you need to discuss something, do it over a PM. 6. Do not post any adult related material or content. 7. IF you post a link in your signature to your website, you MUST provide a link back to

    Please only continue on to the forum if you want to participate in a very informative and proactive community. If you are here to start trouble you will be dealt with swiftly. NAFEX is for those who want to share with others who are part of a great community.
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About Crusinberry

Basic Information

Date of Birth
December 31, 1963 (61)
About Crusinberry
Blythe, CA


Wayne Crusinberry, Apprentice
"I couldn't agree with you more..."


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Most Recent Message
10-23-2012 06:01 PM
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11-11-2012 06:50 PM
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