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    Nghĩ tới đây, Hứa Hạo cảm thấy quả tim điên cuồng đập loạn. Hắn không
    chung cư goldmark city Chung cư paragon tower phạm hùng học kế toán phần mềm misa trung tâm kế toán tại hÃ* đông

    nói nhiều mÃ* khẽ động thân thể, hướng về góc Tây Bắc mÃ* bay tới. Khi hắn

    bay đến, ở đây đã tụ tập rât nhiều người. Ở xa có một cái lồng lớn đậy

    lại, ở bên trong cái lồng có một cái vệt sáng mÃ*u lam rất lớn. Vệt sáng

    kia nhẹ nhÃ*ng nổi trong không trung, không chút nhúc nhÃ*ch.
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    Hey Zarafia - do you know any forum mods that can help me with editing/deleting a post?
    Nevermind, I think I found a thing that might help under the Member List area... (I'm a noob).
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    I have some great venison recipies if you want
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    Well thats one up on me, i have never hawked squirrels, but i have seen them on a video and was very impresed with the skill it seemed to take for the birds to catch the crafty buggers so hats off to you and your bird. I have hunted them with a 410 and they happen to be a favorite dish. Their great fried with mashed potatos and gravy. Another good way is to put a few in w crockpot then seperate the meat from the bones and make tamales. And my personal favorite soak them over night in saltwater then slow cook on a rotisserie while covering with butter and lemon. Maby give your bird the front half and keep the back legs and back straps for the skillit.
  5. View Conversation
    Please clear your PM messages!!!
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    Check your answering machine!!
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    Shouldnt you be at school?
    I have a nettle leaf that says you should be!!!
  8. View Conversation
    I see where you left me some messages that showed up on my regular e-mail, but I can't find them on here... I find nafex EXTREMELY difficult to navigate. (Let alone put pics up) I might not be able to see your reply as I barely found this... My email is:
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    Hi Merdith,I was talking to Edwin today about raising pigeons for my future Peregrine tiercel and he told me I should contact you.He said you might have some you were trying to get rid of and also maybe some pointers for keeping pigeons in Florida.I have started working on the housing.I purchased one of those 6x6x10 chainlink dog kennels.I plan on puting on a roof a trap door and some nesting boxes.I'm thinking about wraping two sides with plastic or shade cloth.
    Last time I talked to you you had just gotten a Peregrine but hadn't had time to work with her yet.How's that going?
    Thanks Robert
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    We will be in Fl tomorrow. What days look good for hawking if you are up to it? Hope the foot is better.
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Archer Florida


"I've spent the better part of the past year as a multi-dimensional wavelength of celestial intent."


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11-16-2015 05:24 AM
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