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    John, dump some messages from your NAFEX mailbox so you can receive more mail.
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    Had a Sharptail bail on me, my springer almost caught it. My bird is not fooling around, killed two of my experienced homers. Going out tonight weather permitting.
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    I had to wait for Pheasant hunters to thin out. My bird is only going up 300 to 400 feet but as he gets stronger that will increase. The issue is his weight, he is too low at 26 oz and refused the lure last night at 27.5 oz, I dropped him to 27 for tonights flight,but it is sprinkling so not sure if we will go.
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    Hi John,

    Folks have been telling me to find a way to meet you for several years now. So far we have not crossed paths.

    That's why I am reaching out a digital handshake to you Not my favorite way to meet someone, but there it is.

    -John Halverson
  5. Yep Marc...that's me. Live in South Dakota now. I still remember that big scary RT you had.
  6. View Conversation
    Hi Qball Used to know a John Lindstrom in MN in the mid 70s. Falconer. Went into the Air Force. You him ??
    marc rude
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About qball

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About qball
Whitewood, SD


-John "Q" Lindstrom
"The road goes on forever and the party never ends" Robert Earl Keen


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09-26-2018 10:28 AM
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02-17-2021 12:20 PM
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