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    Paul... I may be interested in a mist net. I'm looking at getting a kestrel this year and maybe a merlin at another time. These nets seem like a much better way of catching food/bait/baggies than traps. I really don't know a lot about how to use them. I' not looking for a big "how to" but what kind of places do you set one up... do your drive the birds into it or just let it sit and let them fly into it? I live in the Colorado Springs area and have noticed that sparrows and starlings seem to change locations they like to hang out quite often. I do have a fair number of horse properties around and may be a good place to try. Any info would be appreciated. Thanks Don
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    Hi Paul, sorry I missed your call. I have flown two 3/4 gyr/saker tiercels, the first one would have molted out almost white and was bigger with a flying weight of 31-32oz, and it seemed much wilder of the two, although it did man down ok. Seems slow developing and not nearly as aggressive as what I would like to see. The wind mill got him. The second one is as close to black as you can get, without being totally black. Smaller, and calmer with flying weight of 27 1/2 to 28 1/2 oz. Flies great, kited as good as any, has killed several bags in the stoop, head shots, but not very aggressive on wild game, ducks, although that could change any day. A friend of mine has one too, it is larger like the white one I had, but it is gray. At three years old, it has became an aggressive snappy flier, which flew much like my two it's first year, we have both talked about the cross and think we like the 50/50 gyr/peregrine better.
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    I have the Performance Center version with a 6.5" barrel. After a good session at the range I will take that thing and scrub it till the black is gone using 40x bore cleaner and a gun metal polishing cloth. The first game I took with it was actually a rabbit at 25 yards, and I got him right through the eye(Used a .45 colt for rabbits and squirrels).
  4. View Conversation
    Curious as to whether your name means you shoot a .460 S&W Magnum, I have one of those and I love it.
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About 460shooter

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Date of Birth
June 12, 1974 (50)
About 460shooter
Introduced to falconry when I was 8. Knew I HAD to do it. Did it as Senior project in college.
Rifle, Colorado
Hunting with handguns, birding, fly fishing, hiking, skeet shooting
Self employed electrician


Paul Rifle, Colorado
A lot of birds I've flown have been smarter than a lot of people I have met.


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