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  1. He is in NM. He has my ferruge. He is not treating her correctly.Sorry you and John had a falling out.
  2. View Conversation
    Tony, refresh my memory on the preacher guy, not sure who you are talking about in your message. Where does he live and I'm not sure about any phone numbers. The only one I ever had was John's out in Ca. John and I haven't spoke for a long time we had some what of a disagreement and it turned into a little bit of an argument and now he won't speak.
  3. Hi Pete, the only passage I flew was a terc. He was not very good. He was a gopher hawk all the way. As for brancher and younguns, I flew a slew. I raise them like a coopers. And I fly then to perches and hills when they won't soar. soar hawking is their bread and butter. See may thread falcon and ferruge. Or ferruge and falcon, I can't remember what the heck I called it. there are also two separate article in American Falconry I wrote on them. Have fun, Tony
  4. View Conversation
    hi Tony. ive been told you fly passage ferruginous hawks? Evan Davidson told me. could you tell me some about them as im getting one soon. i.e do you train it as you would a hawk, or fly it to perches fisrt? just general things about is poss. hope your well, Peter.
  5. View Conversation
    hey Tony that is really sad about the red tail. I know the feeling. my RNS x Barbary the first time that I tossed him up into the air to let him fly, well that is exactly what he did. fly. he went up about a 1000 feet and then got into it with a prairie, i have no idea how an inexperienced little guy could escape. well i chased him for the next 3 days. finally got him back. and my wife told me to sell him. so i put him up for sale but no one was willing to pay what he is worth. so i kept him. i lowered his weight by 20 grams to the low 370s and now he is fine. well at least he is behaving. ok well the gyrlin ran down one of my pigeons early this morning so he is beginning to learn what to do. ok so this other ranch must be where you keep steak, because you had "hamburger" at your elko ranch!!
  6. View Conversation
    have you pull ferrugi from ravendale just curious what are the odds of finding melanistic ferruginous chicks?
  7. View Conversation
    hey is this Tony brill?if it is i would like to get in touch wit you my name is Vang from merced ca. my email is thanks regards to ferrugis..
  8. View Conversation
    Hey Tony, well I guess you do not miss the mess here at all being on your nice big ranch. For now Corona will have to do. It is better than Anaheim and Garden Grove.
  9. I am in Elko, Nevada. From S. California. Don't miss Ca at all. And you?
  10. View Conversation
    Tony, where are you located?
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About tony123abc

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About tony123abc
Building a ranch in Nevada. Wife three kids
Elko, Nevada
family, ranching, hawking
I retired from law enforcement now, I sweep up messes.




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12-16-2014 10:46 AM
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02-16-2023 10:21 AM
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