
Type: Posts; User: TroyJMoody

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  1. Really? That I thought Sep 15 this entire...

    Really? That I thought Sep 15 this entire time.... frus) Dang... That's awesome! Sadly it probably doesn't change my planned trapping day more than 5 days right now cause how I've scheduled...
  2. Thanks! and ya we definitely should. The whole...

    Thanks! and ya we definitely should. The whole year has gone extremely fast and now that I have my license and i'm all ready for the bird it seems like the season just gets further and further away...
  3. Hello from Phoenix Arizona. License just arrived.

    I have been in the process of becoming licensed since the beginning of 2015 and after passing the test, then finding myself a sponsor, building my mew/gathering equipment and passing inspection, I am...
Results 1 to 3 of 61
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