Fred, a UHF Scout transmitter attached to your favorite dog collar with heat shrink works great. A friend in Nebraska turned me on to doing it this way. You can apply heat shrink in 2 pieces—-1 over...
Type: Posts; User: falcondoc
Fred, a UHF Scout transmitter attached to your favorite dog collar with heat shrink works great. A friend in Nebraska turned me on to doing it this way. You can apply heat shrink in 2 pieces—-1 over...
The case includes a heavy duty clip on the back that can be oriented vertically or horizontally. It fits perfect on the strap of a Pineo hawking vest.
These work great and are available at Bass Pro Shops for about $13.00. They even have a small interior pocket that holds the yagi-to-Pocketlink cable that Marshall supplies.
I have attached my Marshall PowerPoint to the strap of my Tritronics (Garmin) Upland Special training collar. A friend told me how he had done it and its pretty slick. Everything on one collar,...
Supposed to be released this fall as long as all the testing goes well
It really is a horrible thing for falconers and their birds to have to go through. The most recent study compared different vaccines and different protocols. With the Merial Recombitek WNV vaccine,...
Kirk Suedmeyer DVM is a veterinarian for the KC Zoo and he is/was a falconer. You would also do well to get ahold of Bob Payne in Kansas. Bob is an active falconer.
I like my Levitation Delta but my Little Bear goes up in light winds that wont lift the Delta. My number one kite (When I use kites) is the Little Bear followed closely by the Whirlwind. The...
Kevin, you are in a fantastic state to get involved in falconry. I spend a good part of my falconry season up there, flying prairie chickens, sharptailed grouse, ducks and pheasant with big...