Why take the exam, if you cannot find a sponsor? This is the case in Pa. law, and I agree. Here in Michigan, I regularly find would be apprentices who think you are required to sponsor them,...
Type: Posts; User: Cuz
Why take the exam, if you cannot find a sponsor? This is the case in Pa. law, and I agree. Here in Michigan, I regularly find would be apprentices who think you are required to sponsor them,...
Heading out Saturday morning..
Anyone have advice on what to wear when hunting? Will be hunting a Red tail with two dogs.
Thanks in advance and see you all at the meet!!!
There are a couple of things going on here. The first of which is, do you show the tidbit on the glove when working your recalls? If you do, more than likely, the only time the bird will...
If you are hunting with your Red Tail, you are using operant conditioning already. It does work the same as it does with your bird dogs, in theory. Only the application and the end...
None taken Scott. Please do not take offense, and I am in no way shape or form a Phd., but psychology is the study of the human brain, not of that of other animals, reptiles even insects or that of...
The need for a clicker in the field can be reduced by implementing a variable schedule of reinforcement.
This sentence does not make sense, as far as OC goes. The clicker, or CR, needs to be...
Using a clicker can be a pia. You have to have it with you at all times around the animal you are training. Drop it, forget it or sit on it and you are sol. The clicker also must be in your hand to...
Geoff and by association, the rest of the thread,
What the gent is doing by using the feather is not punishment, but negative reinforcement, which is not a form of punishment. With your knowledge...
I met you at the meet hawking behind the biker bar at the meet. It was great to meet you and your family and hear the stories after about your father, his antics and his birds. Get...
Falconers are a fabulous group of people and even better in numbers. This event really gets the mouth drooling for the NAFA national meet. The quality of people, attitudes, politeness, affability...
Looking forward to meeting all of you out of staters. A lot of effort, thought, and work have gone into this meet. Mike is really pouring it on. Certainly not an event to be missed. Rabbits and...