
Type: Posts; User: HawkinCrazy

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  1. Replies

    What are you trying to do? If you want to handle...

    What are you trying to do? If you want to handle birds of prey and not necessarily hunt with them, then volunteering at a raptor rehab center could be worthwhile. If you are looking to hunt with...
  2. Replies

    It'll be my first as well. Though no bird to fly...

    It'll be my first as well. Though no bird to fly yet, we'll see what the next couple of weekends bring.
  3. Replies

    Welcome! You must be Matt's second apprentice....

    Welcome! You must be Matt's second apprentice. I've met Pete, and I look forward to meeting you out in the field. Good luck with her. I love micros, I've had a couple of merlins that were fairly...
  4. Replies

    My wife and I will be going. Hopefully I'll have...

    My wife and I will be going. Hopefully I'll have my passage prairie by then. Not having the best of luck down here in AZ. Hope to meet you all in person!
  5. Haha, naaa no hh this year. Stef might decide she...

    Haha, naaa no hh this year. Stef might decide she might want to get an hh and I'll go out with her, but not for me. How's your "little" ferruginous doing? Out flying him yet?
  6. Sounds good to me...I can't wait until mid to...

    Sounds good to me...I can't wait until mid to late October. My gos excursion fell through so gonna fly a jack this year. Hopefully I can trap a jack vs a female but we'll see. I want to see your aplo...
  7. Yeah I hear ya! FYI this bit: "Jan 1 – Jan...

    Yeah I hear ya! FYI this bit:

    "Jan 1 – Jan 31, 2013, 2014; May 1 – Dec 31, 2013, 2014 (1,2,4,5) Statewide except Yuma and La Paz counties." This is for eyas and passage raptors.

    is for...
  8. Troy, FYI the commission order can be a little...

    Troy, FYI the commission order can be a little unclear regarding apprentice trapping. Here it is directly from the order

    "Jan 1 – Jan 31, 2013, 2014; May 1 – Dec 31, 2013, 2014 (1,2,4,5)...
  9. Replies

    Hey Jim, Matt's a good guy. Lots of good...

    Hey Jim, Matt's a good guy. Lots of good information there. If he recommends or invites you out to go to the field I would definitely take advantage of it!. Good luck in the journey!
  10. Replies

    As a Certified Vet Tech, in my 12 or so years of...

    As a Certified Vet Tech, in my 12 or so years of experience, exotics and wildlife included, it is very hard to get a job in a zoo setting. Rehab is much much easier, but most of them start as...
  11. Replies

    Don't worry I will definitely keep a thread...

    Don't worry I will definitely keep a thread updated. Am planning to start a blog about everything too. Arizona is a pretty awesome place to hawk, lots of different quarry depending on what you are...
  12. Replies

    New apprentice, longtime falconry lover

    My name is Dan Scrivener, and I have been an avid falconry fanatic for almost 12 years. It has been a passion that had grown into an obsession. I have been to many meets in Arizona, but with...
Results 1 to 12 of 191
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