Forgot to ask, are there hawkable amounts of game birds (duck, quail, pheasant, chukar) near the Denver area, or would you have to travel to find them? Right now where I live we only have quail and...
Type: Posts; User: bigmacthawoppa
Forgot to ask, are there hawkable amounts of game birds (duck, quail, pheasant, chukar) near the Denver area, or would you have to travel to find them? Right now where I live we only have quail and...
Thanks for the response Rylan! The falconry out there does sound pretty great :)
In your opinion, what would you say the most common type of hawking is done out there by you? Here in NC, it's...
Hello all!
I've been a lurker/occasional poster here for quite some time and was hoping for some feedback. I've been interested in falconry since 14 (now 28). I live in Raleigh, NC and have...