LOL! That's very cool William! I like to more kindly call them "Come Heres" vs being a "From Here" now. Chicken Neckers was the term my Grandaddy used. "Foreigners" was the term my great Grandfather...
Type: Posts; User: Red-tail71
LOL! That's very cool William! I like to more kindly call them "Come Heres" vs being a "From Here" now. Chicken Neckers was the term my Grandaddy used. "Foreigners" was the term my great Grandfather...
Welcome to Falconry and NAFEX William. The VFA is a wonderful organization and has some great Falconers! Enjoy the Journey and I HOPE to meet you at one of the VFA events in the future. Take care!
Hello Nick, good luck in you search. You may want to look up the Virginia Falconers Association. I am sure they can help you locate someone in your area. Take care and I HOPE it works out.
PM sent Mr Bill! Sorry to hijack your thread Tim. I will chat with you both soon! Take care!
Thanks Mike and Chris for lending Tim a hand. I have PM'd Tim some info in regards to the PFA and the area. Take care and I will talk to you soon! Hello Mr Bill!!!
Congrats on having and getting your daughter into this wonderful sport! Get job pop! Have fun and cherish the times! 👍👍
Sure going to miss you guys this year!😩😩😩 Have fun and enjoy!!!😄😄😄