Thank you so much
Type: Posts; User: Levana90
Thank you so much
Hallo dear friend I'm visiting Florida, i don't know any falconers in this area , will be great to see falconry hunting in Florida can someone give me some advice where i can meet falconers in...
Thank you we will do it !
So it's big story , it's around 300 mostly sparrowhawk hunters , we have Very old culture heritage , so trapping was tradition but now 2 year's ago ministery of environment made new law about...
8028 I fly goshawk mostly male , now I have English setter , we have Gray and rock partridge, but Gray are less rock is hard to hunt , so I hunt duck and pheasant , want try woodcock now so we will...
P.s we release sparrowhawk after quail hunting season . It's around 2 max 3 months
Hallo Mr Paul , yes we have goshawk and mostly sparrowhawk here in Georgia we have one of the biggest migration way so we really trapping to much sparrowhawk sometimes Daly 30 sparrowhawk, of...
Hello my name is levan Doborjginidze I'm from Republic of Georgia it's a small country in East Europe with the big falconeri culture.
It's a big pleasure to be here in this forum meet falconer's...