The only reason I included grackles is because they were mixed in with the starlings years ago at the last Amarillo meet. Lets me know what I'm dealing with. My bird I have now won't touch them - she...
Type: Posts; User: kimmerar
The only reason I included grackles is because they were mixed in with the starlings years ago at the last Amarillo meet. Lets me know what I'm dealing with. My bird I have now won't touch them - she...
How is the starling and grackle population? As good as Amarillo?
Elena I have a few thoughts that might help. Are you getting 100% success rate with one action before moving to the next. From your post it sounds like your training many things at one time? ...
Thanks for the update. Congrats on the kill. It builds self esteem and agility. Keep up the good work.
Any new updates Wes?
Im sorry for your loss Jeff. You did a great job with him. I hope you change your mind on "last".
Take care
Good point whomever you are - I would like to add
Timing is everything...
Be clear and consistent on what you want the student to do - bridge (signal) at the right time.
Bouncing ping pong...
Hi Chase!!
(welc) to the forum.
I used an american kestrel :) when I took the course. The ABC's do help with learning to study the student.
KISS is a motto I've heard many times. Think plan do is another - along with knowing...
That is sweet Ken!! I'm a native razorback and will always love anything razorback :).
(welc) Heath!!
Jeff - your timing is great and you know when to quit the session. Great job. I've watched 1000's of hours of clicker training. None with raptors though. That was done before I was born :). I saw...
What behavior are you looking for here? What action are you looking for? I'm trying to picture that. There are many behaviors going in that one minute right?
I would jump on that offer!!
Hey Brad!!! (welc)
There is some great hunting stories and info on here. I can't wait to read some you yours.
I hope your breeding season goes well.
All the best
No price listed for the Turbo - what's it selling for?
Merry Christmas everyone!! I hope you all have a great day eating and hawking!!!
Great pics Jeff!! Looks like fun for sure. Hocus looks like he's coming along nicely. Oh - thanks for the pic of the red nape Fred is holding :). Bill will like to see that for sure.
Take care