If the band is too loose, displaced feathers are going to occur a lot more often. I noticed this after one installation settled in and a larger gap was available under the plate. I carefully picked...
Type: Posts; User: RT Alison
If the band is too loose, displaced feathers are going to occur a lot more often. I noticed this after one installation settled in and a larger gap was available under the plate. I carefully picked...
My little imprint coops I have had since he was less than a week old is much different than any other bird I have worked with... which hasn't been many. He's as much a personal companion as he is a...
This is why I like the Trackpak mounting system. My tiny male Coops, Ehrler, is wearing one with a Merlin transmitter in this photo.
While imprinting my coops I took extra effort in handling JUST so mounting a trackpak would be a breeze. Lots of time spent touch the bird's back, underneath the wings, etc. When it came time for the...
No problem. She's a terrific lady. You'll find the folks in Frankfort are all very much pro falconry and nice to deal with. I don't live too far from F&W's main compound and enjoy a good relationship...
Welcome... and I think if you contact Naomi Wilson at KYF&W in Frankfort, she will be able to direct you to any active falconers in your immediate area, including those who have expressed an interest...
Fantastic video sequences. I'll be giving him the Nelson treatment for sure. Guess I need to contact Ken again and order a khan field hood for my gos.
Maybe the guy builds them crappy and cheap to get repeat business. Ken's hoods last because he builds them that way. Too bad my third hand gos is such a hood shy critter or I'd be ordering my third...
Best of luck to you in your falconry future! Sounds like good solid preparation and support lined up.
If you ever see footage of him just before they did him in, you'd swear he was the nicest guy you'd ever want to fry.
Welcome, Resa! Looking forward to reading your posts. Falconry is the universal language and the common culture of all nations.
The bit about being patient is an understatement. If you are not a patient person you will be forced by this sport to learn to be... or fail miserably at it.
That's what Ted Bundy said, too!!!! LOL
Joby has it right on the mark. Don't get discouraged, contact a club in the state or find a falconer nearby. Be sure to get any packets of info from your state's Department of Fish and Wildlife...