My name's Nelly and I'm from Toronto, ON, Canada. I've been interested in this sport for quite some time.
I guess I should rather say interested in the birds themselves since I started volunteering at a wildlife center a few years back. Raptors have quickly grown to become my favourite birds and after having worked with them more recently in a rehabilitation setting I have grown to love and respect them even more. I have always found it amazing and inspiring to see people flying these marvelous birds and its long been a wish of mine to be able to do the same.
As you may have already guessed I do not own a bird of my own or have started an apprenticeship yet. I am still in school and living at home so unfortunately it may be a little bit tricky to get started on something that I know will be time consuming. I have had an offer (actually earlier this morning) on starting an apprenticeship with a local falconer but I am still mulling it over and trying to make the best decision for the bird, myself and my parents.
That's what brought me here. I am looking to find out more answers on some questions I may have and more about the sport to ensure I'm making the right decision. Even if I don't get into the sport right away, I'm sure I will later on.
So hello to all on the forum and thank you for having a place like this available to those of us just thinking about starting up!